Diagram of cartoon gears with symbols representing careers, income, ideas, and goals.
Image by ar130405 from Pixabay

English for Vocation

Writing for Healthcare, Construction, and Information Technology

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Vocational Education is at the heart of YouthBuild's mission — beyond preparing students for graduation, we lay the groundwork for future careers.  To help students see the importance of writing in everyday life, these English for Vocation courses will show students the norms of communication in their chosen career fields.


Narratives, Perceptions, and Documentation in Medicine

Stethoscope sitting on graph paper with chart of a single human heartbeat.

Stethoscope Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay

The Healthcare English course will focus on how rhetoric and narrative can affect communications between healthcare workers, patients, and the public at large.  This course will focus on the following areas:


Architecture, Urban Planning, and the Stories of Building America

Stethoscope sitting on graph paper with chart of a single human heartbeat.

Hammer and Wrench image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay.

The Construction English course will focus on issues that affect communication in the construction industry:

Information Technology

Engaging with Audiences through Digital Communication

Cartoon of people climbing through a smartphone and other digital platforms.

Digital Media image by Joseph Mucira from Pixabay.

In this age of information and social media, the ability to communicate effectively is crucial.  In this course, we'll be looking at both how people communicate online and what people say about online communication: