
Unit 5: Advanced Theories of Bonding

See also Chemistry: Atoms First 2e, Chapter 5

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Now that we've considered the names and shapes of molecules, it's time to go deeper into the formation of atomic bonds.

Thus far, we've focused on the fact that atoms can trade or share electrons.  However, the ways that these electrons get shared will change the type of bond we see.

The video by Professor Dave gives a general overview of these advanced theories, and the subsections go into greater detail.

Valence Bond Theory

In a simplistic view of bonding, atoms simply share electron orbitals.  However, this doesn't explain the molecular shapes we see in nature.  Instead, we see that electron orbitals change their shape depending upon the number of bonds.  These orbitals affect the shape of the atom:

Najam Academy | "Pi and Sigma Bonds"

Hybrid Orbitals and Multiple Bonds

Hybrid Orbitals

When we look at the shapes of orbitals, the sigma and pi bonds discussed previously describe how electrons are shared.  But before this sharing occurs, the electrons around the individual atoms might change shape.

Review: Orbitals Are Regions of Probability

As quick review, remember that atomic orbitals come in different shapes depending upon their distance from the nucleus and the energy.  The shape of an orbital is not the exact path an electron travels — instead, the shape shows where the electron is most likely to be found when you observe the atom.

Molecular Orbital Theory

Just when you thought chemical bonds might almost make sense . . . they get even more complicated!  This video's a bit longer so it can go into more detail.  Here are some key considerations:

Molecular Orbitals in Solids

In solids, the molecular orbitals stretch across the entire solid, and they can be very close together in energy.  Because of this, there are so many orbitals that we refer to the collection bonding and antibonding orbitals as bands.

Electrons can jump from bonding orbitals to antibonding orbitals.  The energy needed for this jump is the band gap.  The size of the band gap affects how easily electrons can move from those bonding to antibonding orbitals — and electrons are electricity.

Professor Dave Explains | "Conductivity and Semiconductors"

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Chemistry Intro  |  Unit 1  |  Unit 2  |  Unit 3  |  Unit 4  |  Unit 5  |  Unit 6  |  Unit 7

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