
Resources for Teachers

Chemistry Intro  |  Unit 1  |  Unit 2  |  Unit 3  |  Unit 4  |  Unit 5  |  Unit 6  |  Unit 7

Resources for Teachers

Resources for Teachers

Teaching chemistry concepts is not easy, especially if you have a limited budget.  Fortunately, the internet provides access to a variety of excellent resources to help teachers set up their courses.


Since we don't have a full lab, the work we do at YouthBuild typically involves off-the-shelf supplies that are easily acquired online.  This incomplete list offers a basic collection of inexpesive and durable equipment for a variety of experiments.

Example Lesson Plans

These simple lesson plans offer easy modules to introduce key concepts like chemical bonds, the carbon cycle, and everyday reactions.

Science Experiments

Easy Science Experiments |Steve Spangler

These simple, at-home experiments offer accessible hands-on experiences for students using materials you likely have on hand.

From crystals to snot to bouncing rubber eggs, these simple experiments are a great way to introduce chemistry concepts like fluid properties and the effects of acids and bases.

Concepts in Chemistry

CK-12 provides a wide variety of grade-level course materials for K-12, and the chemistry textbooks integrate diagrams, descriptions, and outside videos.  I highly recommend these free resources.  Chemistry for High School provides a comprehensive textbook across levels, but the Chemistry Flexbooks include workbooks, lab manuals, and texts for specific courses.

I can't recomment the OpenStax textbooks enough.  They're free, peer-reviewed, and detailed.  Although these college textbooks might not be the best book for every high school course, these are excellent resources for instructors who need a refresher on core concepts.  For this website, I link to the Atoms First Edition of Chemistry 2e simply because I prefer that order of chapters, but both textbooks include the same material.

Case Studies in Chemistry



Social Studies

Chemistry Intro  |  Unit 1  |  Unit 2  |  Unit 3  |  Unit 4  |  Unit 5  |  Unit 6  |  Unit 7

Resources for Teachers